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Radiant Barrier Installation Experts

Save On Your Energy Bills

  • Reduce Noise
  • Minimize Air Infiltration
  • Keep Pests Out
  • Commercial & Residential


Radiant Barrier Installation

When, after leaving it in the direct summer sun for a couple of hours, you have ever reached your house or car, you know exactly how warm it feels. It becomes super-hot, and it may take a while to cool the atmosphere with your ac unit. It’s because of the sun’s solar heat which begins to accumulate in your battery.
Your home, like the interior of your car, can get uncomfortably hot during the hot summer days. As the temperature rises to 110, 130, 140 degrees, or more, your home’s climate heats up significantly. Your house cooling system, therefore, works harder, your electricity bill spikes, and you wind up paying much more. Investing in a radiant barrier installation is a better choice.

The research will educate you on everything you need to learn about the implementation of radiant barriers, but first of all, radiant barriers are materials designed to help sustain the loft cool. Which gives the same benefits as power attic ventilators, only because they go to the root cause as opposed to the symptoms being treated.

  • When the electromagnetic radiation hits the ground or some other object, one of three situations happen:
    It is transmitted
    It is reflected
    It is absorbed

The proportion of the EM radiation to either of these 3 groups depends on the properties of the substances it affects and the wavelength of the radiation in question. Installation of radiant barriers aims to decrease part 3; the amount of electromagnetic radiation absorbed into your house.

At first, the hot temperature accumulates on your roof (shingles for most residential buildings), then the second thermodynamic rule follows. It appears for cooler areas, so it starts to run down your roof material until it reaches the roof surface bottom. It is then shifted to A in your convention in your attic. Most of the roofing materials are good radiators, particularly OSB and plywood, so everything in your loft is also warming up.

A+ Attic Insulation
When it is parallel to the solar radiation that hits it, a radiant barrier structure provides maximum heat control. In fact, the higher the temperature gradient between the opposite sides of the radiant barrier, the greater the reduction benefits a barrier can offer.
It is good to know that the implementation of radiant barriers in hot areas is more efficient than in cooler climates, certain if the loft has ducts of cooling air. Study shows that when used in a dry, sunny environment, radiant barrier installation saves between 5% and 10% of your energy bills. Additionally, the minimal heat gain could eliminate the need for an elaborate system of air conditioning, thereby saving you more money.

Attic Insulation Removal Houston